U.S. Transplant Games
Imagine, 1,500 organ transplant recipients gathered together at an event to celebrate the miracle of transplant. That's what happens at the U.S. Transplant Games sponsored every other year by the National Kidney Foundation. The games offer transplant recipients of all ages the opportunity for competition and a celebration of life after transplant.
Many patients of UCSF Medical Center have won medals over the past several years, including Ray Velasco, a 1994 kidney transplant recipient and a swimmer who won four gold medals and was voted outstanding athlete at the 1996 Games in Salt Lake City. Ray went on to break all the swimming records at the 1997 and 1999 World Transplant Games.
The Transplant Rehabilitation staff is actively involved in organizing Team Northern California and the UCSF Transplant Service has provided financial support for the Transplant Games efforts since the games began in 1990. Over 100 transplant recipients from UCSF have experienced the thrill of participating in the event. We hope many more will take the opportunity to get fit and participate in the event that demonstrates to the world that transplantation is effective.
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